
"Celebrating Navasota" is an art exhibition designed to capture both the vibrance and nostalgia which exist within the confines of the historic town. The exhibit and companion book are intended to also raise donations and awareness for a yet-to-be-determined Navasota-area nonprofit organization. 

The book and exhibition are the work of Tim Gregg, a College Station resident whose most recent collection of artwork, "South College Avenue," has had several area showings. It was selected as the first temporary exhibit at the Texas A&M University Zachry Engineering Education Complex building which houses one of the finest art installations on any college campus in the country.

"Navasota is not only a historic community with rich traditions," Gregg says,"but also it's a forward-thinking town which has done a remarkable job preserving its past. That past is evident in Navasota's breathtaking old homes, the historic downtown district, and in the people whose pride for their hometown brings out the best in everyone, both local residents as well as visitors."

Gregg is a former award-winning sportscaster and long-time marketing communications consultant. He has written eight books.

Learn more about Tim Gregg

Visit the "South College Avenue" website